pet peeves
i have just come to fully realize two of my pet peeves today: bush bashing and foot pedestrians anywhere near a bike path.
first of all, bush bashing. our president, george w. bush, is the butt of many, many jokes. i hate it. today, during class, my teacher showed a video on the internet of bush defining the word sovereignty using the word sovereign. everyone around me was laughing. was the video a little silly? yes, i suppose. i, however, thought that it was totally inappropriate. we are making a mockery of our leader. it's even worse that this is done on an international campus. what do the international students think of us? what kind of country are we portraying to them? the majority voted him in, so even if someone didn't vote for him or doesn't like him, he is our president and we should all stand behind him. what has america come to? most people don't even respect or support our leaders! how are they supposed to lead people that don't want to be led? it's sad.
and of course, bike paths and the foot pedestrians around them. students on campus are totally oblivious to anything and everything around them. they are in their own little box that barely surrounds them and have nothing to do with anything outside of it. because of this, i have to hold my hand on the brake while riding my bike so i don't run anyone over. bike paths will often have bikes on them. how hard is it to look both ways before crossing it? foot pedestrians can stop a lot faster than bikers can. and why do people walk directly on the bike path??? this phenomenon amazes me. i just don't understand.
anyway, that's my rant for the week or month or so.
first of all, bush bashing. our president, george w. bush, is the butt of many, many jokes. i hate it. today, during class, my teacher showed a video on the internet of bush defining the word sovereignty using the word sovereign. everyone around me was laughing. was the video a little silly? yes, i suppose. i, however, thought that it was totally inappropriate. we are making a mockery of our leader. it's even worse that this is done on an international campus. what do the international students think of us? what kind of country are we portraying to them? the majority voted him in, so even if someone didn't vote for him or doesn't like him, he is our president and we should all stand behind him. what has america come to? most people don't even respect or support our leaders! how are they supposed to lead people that don't want to be led? it's sad.
and of course, bike paths and the foot pedestrians around them. students on campus are totally oblivious to anything and everything around them. they are in their own little box that barely surrounds them and have nothing to do with anything outside of it. because of this, i have to hold my hand on the brake while riding my bike so i don't run anyone over. bike paths will often have bikes on them. how hard is it to look both ways before crossing it? foot pedestrians can stop a lot faster than bikers can. and why do people walk directly on the bike path??? this phenomenon amazes me. i just don't understand.
anyway, that's my rant for the week or month or so.
Scott, I agree with you on both topics. People need to respect our awesome president.
AND... I use a bike trail to get to campus, too, and that's not so bad as campus itself. Some days, I almost run into people on my bike becasue they're too dumb to see that I am on it and move out of the way. It's like they get all flustered and become locked in position, and I have to jump off my bike, completely frustrated, right before hitting them. Sometime, I ought to just smash right into someone... wait, that wouldn't be very Chrst-like.
My HUGE pet peeve is slow walkers. When I am walking and there is someone or a group in front of me that is lolly-gagging along, I seriously just want to plow them over. If I'm gonna walk somewhere, why not get there FAST? I never walk at a stop-and-smell-the-roses pace unless 2 conditions permit: a.) it's gorgeous out and b.) I have time to enjoy the beautiful day. Or c.) I'm with someone who walks that pace and I don't want to overexert their physical ability (i.e. Kristi Daniel :-)
Alright. I'm done. Have a good one.
we've discussed these before and i STILL totally agree w/ you on BOTH issues!
they don't work as well as you'd think, beeg. i need to get a horn or a sqeaker or something to alert people. i just want to yell "BIKE PATH" at them as i ride by, but that's not very Christ-like so i don't.
Ok.. Taryn, I'm sorry I walk slow and am one of your pet peeves, but when I walk I like to enjoy the scenery around me... ;) haha.
Ok and just something funny about Bush bashing... well that sounded wrong. I can't stand Bush bashing. But something funny happened. We were in Branson and the flags were at half mast meaning something bad had happened. I went into the marina and asked why the flags were at half mast. He said that a police officer had been killed on the interstate and the governor asked the county to lower their flags. I said oh good, I thought the president had been assassinated or something. The marina man said we couldn't be so lucky. I gave him a mean look and walked out. The next day I was with my mom and I said mom thats the guy that doesn't like Bush and my mom said "What does he have against bushes." HAHA WOW. She thought I meant the little shrubery things, not the president. I thought it was funny. :)
Kristi, I laughed at your story. I can just hear your mom.
haha! great story! and you know some of those bushes can be prickly or pokey or hurt if you try to jump over them and completely fail. one even made me bleed.
I completely hear you Scott on the prickly pokey bushes... that would be reason enough to have something against bushes. And it's probably just not a good idea to jump over i don't think it's a good idea. Man, those bushes get you every time don't they?
well, the spectators all thought it was a good idea and the george washington in my friend's hand thought it was a good idea. end of the story: it wasn't a good idea.
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