i am working every saturday for the next five weeks except for college weekend. last saturday was the ACT. ugh, high schools kids are so defiant. they're like: "catch me, i dare you." graduate school admission tests are more serious. college kids know what is at stake and they make sure to stear clear of anything that could be considered suspicious. still, tomorrow's LSAT is only my third time as a real administrator (i don't count the two times i only had one student) and i'm still working out all the kinks as administrator. the first two times, i got one experienced proctor. this time i get two proctors and i don't know who they'll be yet. i hope they're good. my first read administration was the MCAT (long test!!) and don (my proctor) said i was the most professional administrator he had ever worked for. i took it as a compliment. i hope i can keep that up. last saturday's ACT was a little sloppy (lights and temperature) but i think tomorrow will be better.
anyhoo, new question: you're a proctor at the LSAT. you see a 180lb white male reach under his seat and pull out something white that appears to be a kleenex. he proceeds to blow his nose on it and put it on the desk of the seat next to his. do you:
(a) run over to him, pull him out of his seat, drag him out of the room and yell at him for not using one of the provided kleenex's at the front of the room.
(b) ignore him. it's probably just a harmless kleenex.
(c) stare at him for the remainder of the test and make sure he doesn't look at it as if there were notes on it.
(d) tell the administrator that he's cheating off of notes on his kleenex.
(e) walk non-chalantly past his seat to see if you can see any notes on his kleenex.
[also explain why you chose your answer]
disclaimer: no prizes will ever be given for first correct answer or fastest answer or most creative answer for any of my questions. i am poor and cannot afford monetary awards or nice trophies. all you get is the satisfaction of winning an award. good luck!
anyhoo, new question: you're a proctor at the LSAT. you see a 180lb white male reach under his seat and pull out something white that appears to be a kleenex. he proceeds to blow his nose on it and put it on the desk of the seat next to his. do you:
(a) run over to him, pull him out of his seat, drag him out of the room and yell at him for not using one of the provided kleenex's at the front of the room.
(b) ignore him. it's probably just a harmless kleenex.
(c) stare at him for the remainder of the test and make sure he doesn't look at it as if there were notes on it.
(d) tell the administrator that he's cheating off of notes on his kleenex.
(e) walk non-chalantly past his seat to see if you can see any notes on his kleenex.
[also explain why you chose your answer]
disclaimer: no prizes will ever be given for first correct answer or fastest answer or most creative answer for any of my questions. i am poor and cannot afford monetary awards or nice trophies. all you get is the satisfaction of winning an award. good luck!
I pick "e," too.
No need to freak out IF it is a harmless Kleenex, but you still need to make sure the kid's not cheating.
I say 'e' too. We don't be wantin' no cheaters. But, dude, I can totally relate with him if he has a runny nose. Mine always gets really bad in class when I'm looking down or taking a test.
I would like to combine a few choices. I would first choose e... to see if there were any notes.... then I would stare at him the whole time. No matter what probably. Even if I didn't see any notes. That's kind of mean of me isn't it? Oh well, you can't really trust all kids today, but there's no need to freak out... just stare. :)
haha my word verification is wjtiki... haha that word makes me laugh.
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