prayer request
i was talking with sue today (she's one of my sub-bosses at work and she's about the age of my mom [60]) about churches. she said she's been looking for a church for awhile so i talked to her about the apostolic christian curch and she seemed really interested. she said she'd been going to vineyard with her kids and grandkids, but she wasn't a fan of the playing guitars in chuch. she'd like to go to a church where they really sing. i gave her the address and directions to the champaign church, the name of our champaign elder (wayne), and starting times for each service. she said she'd like to come sometime so i hope she will. please pray for her as she searches and for me that i may be a light to her. thanks.
Hey Scottie. I'll definitely be praying for you and Sue. That's great that you reached out to her and gave her all the info. of Champaign church. Amazing what God can do when we're not expecting anything. Keep shining bright, and I'm sure you will.
That's awesome, Scott! Way to be an ambassador for Christ! Thanks for sharing, and I'll be praying...
def. praying for you and sue that you're light will be bright for not just her, but everyone to see. thank you for taking the chance and reaching out to her. i pray that you will continue to do so. thank you for being an ear and a mouth for Jesus!
you're waving your hand at your webcame right now...wierd.
ha ha will will be praying ha ha hah!! will will be-oh... boy... yeah... i think i need more sleep.... no, i KNOW i do, and i'm STILL sitting here laughing about taht DUMB joke i made. i think benj put something in his brownies tonight....
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