well, well, well
it's been awhile since i've updated, but that's because there's really not much to talk about. i'll tell you what i can...
work: work has been crazy! i put in 39 hours last week! i still don't get paid until the 22nd due to a paperwork/nessie glitch. with the brand new computer science building, you'd think this university would have some better software to run things. banner and nessie are just sore spots with most university employees. anyhoo, it's been pretty easy working here and decent hours. even with a full week last week, i still enjoy working here. i haven't heard anything about adding tuesday/thursday nights yet so i still get those free. i don't know if we will because it's really starting to slow down. we have nine spots available for each testing session and there was only one person this morning and only two people this afternoon. sloooow.
career search: i've been pretty busy with work and extracurricular stuff so i haven't had much time for this recently. although, last night i got on monster.com and careerbuilder.com and looked around. i sent out a bunch of resumes, mostly to companies in denver and phoenix. i'll try to send some more out tonight during the evening session (i work till nine). so that's going pretty well.
friends & fun: most of you have probably read erin's post about snowboarding up at granite peak. we all helped teach erin, and i don't know about travis or jaclyn, but i know i got a few wounds from it. then near the end, i hit the biggest jump i have ever hit. the kind you have to be going reeeeally fast to be able to hit the landing. well, i hit it twice and i wasn't going fast enough either time so i wrecked on the table top but only after i was about ten feet in the air. pretty sweet. then neal came down to visit the next weekend for the illinois game (shocking loss!) and the super bowl. good times, good times. and tomorrow, caleb and garrison are coming to visit through sunday (although i'm going home on sunday too).
spiritual: God has been amazing recently. i moved my devotions to mornings since i don't usually have to work mornings. He's been teaching me so much about trust and contentment. the only way to be truly content is to trust. there are always things or people i may not like or get along with, but God has his purpose for me in that place. it's especially important to me now that i'm looking for a job, most likely in a larger city away from all my friends and family. i just pray and trust that God will lead me where He wants me.
well, look at that. i did have a lot to say. i'm sure i could come up with more, but this is long enough for now.
work: work has been crazy! i put in 39 hours last week! i still don't get paid until the 22nd due to a paperwork/nessie glitch. with the brand new computer science building, you'd think this university would have some better software to run things. banner and nessie are just sore spots with most university employees. anyhoo, it's been pretty easy working here and decent hours. even with a full week last week, i still enjoy working here. i haven't heard anything about adding tuesday/thursday nights yet so i still get those free. i don't know if we will because it's really starting to slow down. we have nine spots available for each testing session and there was only one person this morning and only two people this afternoon. sloooow.
career search: i've been pretty busy with work and extracurricular stuff so i haven't had much time for this recently. although, last night i got on monster.com and careerbuilder.com and looked around. i sent out a bunch of resumes, mostly to companies in denver and phoenix. i'll try to send some more out tonight during the evening session (i work till nine). so that's going pretty well.
friends & fun: most of you have probably read erin's post about snowboarding up at granite peak. we all helped teach erin, and i don't know about travis or jaclyn, but i know i got a few wounds from it. then near the end, i hit the biggest jump i have ever hit. the kind you have to be going reeeeally fast to be able to hit the landing. well, i hit it twice and i wasn't going fast enough either time so i wrecked on the table top but only after i was about ten feet in the air. pretty sweet. then neal came down to visit the next weekend for the illinois game (shocking loss!) and the super bowl. good times, good times. and tomorrow, caleb and garrison are coming to visit through sunday (although i'm going home on sunday too).
spiritual: God has been amazing recently. i moved my devotions to mornings since i don't usually have to work mornings. He's been teaching me so much about trust and contentment. the only way to be truly content is to trust. there are always things or people i may not like or get along with, but God has his purpose for me in that place. it's especially important to me now that i'm looking for a job, most likely in a larger city away from all my friends and family. i just pray and trust that God will lead me where He wants me.
well, look at that. i did have a lot to say. i'm sure i could come up with more, but this is long enough for now.
I'm glad all is well, Scottland. :)
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