ring toe?
so i think i may have broken one of my toes on my right foot yesterday. and then i played sand volleyball for three hours. this marks the second time i have played sand volleyball with something possibly broken. last august, i played with a possibly broken nose and now my toe. i'm not sure what to call it. toes don't really have names like fingers do. if it were a hand, it'd be the ring phalange. here's a good picture:

also, i don't know if anyone noticed this, but i updated the look of my blog once again. it's hard to see it unless you're looking for it. if anyone cares to guess and find what it is, maybe i'll give a prize like a future blog post honoring you or a punch in the face or something. i'm also looking for a new background, so if the background changes, that isn't the new thing.
in work news, the mcat is over. in the end everything worked out fine. on saturday, i did have one short period where i couldn't find something that was needed for paperwork, but i found it. i was room supervisor with two proctors who had never worked the mcat before. but they're smart girls and they learned quickly. and i worked on sunday after church too. pretty much just sat with katrina (mann not stoller) and we did sudoku puzzles. good times, good times.
so volleyball was fun last night. we played for a whopping three hours of pure six-on-six. we had 17 people total, but we just rotated in. let's see if i can name everyone there:
from 709: Katrina Stoller, Jenny Wyss, Gab Roeschley
from 711: Jeremy Hodel, Jon Aupperle
from brown house: Brian Mariani, Matt Schrenk
from apt 5: Alyssa Leuthold
from apt 308: me
from stoughton: Loren Mogler
from apt 301: Michael Kaeb, Cameron Walder, Josh Steffen
from salt shaker: Bob Koch, Brian Sauder, Nic Rassi
from 9-to-5: Heather Messner
yep, that was it. i think i won all but one game and we played a lot of games. but it wasn't me, i credit it to heather and katrina (when the were on my team (i know, it shouldn't have been allowed)) and great teamwork. well, that's all i have for now.

also, i don't know if anyone noticed this, but i updated the look of my blog once again. it's hard to see it unless you're looking for it. if anyone cares to guess and find what it is, maybe i'll give a prize like a future blog post honoring you or a punch in the face or something. i'm also looking for a new background, so if the background changes, that isn't the new thing.
in work news, the mcat is over. in the end everything worked out fine. on saturday, i did have one short period where i couldn't find something that was needed for paperwork, but i found it. i was room supervisor with two proctors who had never worked the mcat before. but they're smart girls and they learned quickly. and i worked on sunday after church too. pretty much just sat with katrina (mann not stoller) and we did sudoku puzzles. good times, good times.
so volleyball was fun last night. we played for a whopping three hours of pure six-on-six. we had 17 people total, but we just rotated in. let's see if i can name everyone there:
from 709: Katrina Stoller, Jenny Wyss, Gab Roeschley
from 711: Jeremy Hodel, Jon Aupperle
from brown house: Brian Mariani, Matt Schrenk
from apt 5: Alyssa Leuthold
from apt 308: me
from stoughton: Loren Mogler
from apt 301: Michael Kaeb, Cameron Walder, Josh Steffen
from salt shaker: Bob Koch, Brian Sauder, Nic Rassi
from 9-to-5: Heather Messner
yep, that was it. i think i won all but one game and we played a lot of games. but it wasn't me, i credit it to heather and katrina (when the were on my team (i know, it shouldn't have been allowed)) and great teamwork. well, that's all i have for now.
Your posts have a wider format. :D I like wider better
hm...my team always lost....maybe because I was never with Heather or Katrina. And Bob was on my team a lot. :) I haven't had that much fun playing V-ball in a long time!
I love Sudoku !
luke~you're closest. but what is it about the wider that i like so much?
beeg~actually, i haven't touched the background...yet. by the way, what is your viewing resolution?
jenny~i'm glad that you had fun, even though you were on bob's team. it's hard, but someone had to do it.
su doku~i do too, but i prefer USA Today SuDoku because i can make notes for the harder levels.
kup~i'm sorry i didn't call you. no one called me either. i only found out about 1/2 before. i'll be sure to call you next time.
and i don't want to say too much, but this blog is undergoing a major change and it should be complete within a week. i'll let you know when it's time for the big unveiling.
ouch! sorry about the toe.
It nicely fills out a 19" monitor. :) I don't know why you like the wider format better...tell me please!!?? :)
it's not that it fills out the 19" monitor. think resolutions...
word verification:
i'll let you imagine your own word divisions there, but i can tell you what it's not (unless a former roommate of mine): y ece? pot...
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