wow, what a weekend.
friday night i hung with ex-roomie david. we watched a movie and played some halo. almost felt like old times until i had to go to bed and he had to go home.
saturday, i got up at 5:30 to drive down to chambana for the MCAT. it was going just fine, everything under control until the second writing section when: BREEEEE! BREEEEE! BREEEEE! yeah, the fire alarm went off. i stopped the time, collected all materials, and sent everyone outside. about ten minutes later, we were given the all-clear to go back in and some of the examinees started to take their seats when: BREEEEE! BREEEEE! BREEEEE! yeah, it went off again. we still had all materials so i sent them back outside. another five minutes and we went back in. i talked to a fireman and he told me it was a faulty circuit and it could possibly keep happening. bleh. finally got them all back in, handed out materials, and restarted the exam. the fire alarms didn't go off again, but two cell phones did in the last section. i clearly stated they had to be turned off, but some people don't listen. since i had them bring them to the front of the room, i couldn't tell whose they were. later that day, i went to mike, cameron, josh and kyle's castle. it's a very nice place! then we went over to shaker, played a few card games and then a rousing game of i've never (i didn't break any chairs).
sunday was a packed church at champaign with all the returning students, new students, new students' parents, and of course the locals. lucy and i helped set up for the picnic by moving tables to our area. later, a bunch of guys played some ultimate frisbee which ended up being a blowout. pff.
good times, good times.
friday night i hung with ex-roomie david. we watched a movie and played some halo. almost felt like old times until i had to go to bed and he had to go home.
saturday, i got up at 5:30 to drive down to chambana for the MCAT. it was going just fine, everything under control until the second writing section when: BREEEEE! BREEEEE! BREEEEE! yeah, the fire alarm went off. i stopped the time, collected all materials, and sent everyone outside. about ten minutes later, we were given the all-clear to go back in and some of the examinees started to take their seats when: BREEEEE! BREEEEE! BREEEEE! yeah, it went off again. we still had all materials so i sent them back outside. another five minutes and we went back in. i talked to a fireman and he told me it was a faulty circuit and it could possibly keep happening. bleh. finally got them all back in, handed out materials, and restarted the exam. the fire alarms didn't go off again, but two cell phones did in the last section. i clearly stated they had to be turned off, but some people don't listen. since i had them bring them to the front of the room, i couldn't tell whose they were. later that day, i went to mike, cameron, josh and kyle's castle. it's a very nice place! then we went over to shaker, played a few card games and then a rousing game of i've never (i didn't break any chairs).
sunday was a packed church at champaign with all the returning students, new students, new students' parents, and of course the locals. lucy and i helped set up for the picnic by moving tables to our area. later, a bunch of guys played some ultimate frisbee which ended up being a blowout. pff.
good times, good times.