Wednesday, December 13, 2006

ALPHA and omega

i know, i know. i never capitalize unless it has meaning. well, this capitalization has meaning. i was driving home a couple weeks ago and i heard a song on the radio that said something like this: "You're been doing great things since the world began." and i started thinking that God has always been. He has no beginning. we often focus on how eternal He will be in the future, but what about the past? did you ever think about what was He doing before time began? i like to think that He was shaping us and our personalities and our very lives. think of how many people there have been on this earth since time began. there are over 6 billion people alive on earth now, but in the past 6000 years, exactly how many have there been? there's no way to tell while on this earth. maybe God was shaping the life of each and every person. how much time did He spend on each one? since He has no beginning, so maybe he spent a minute, maybe he spent a day, or maybe he spent 2 millions years. stop right there and think of that: God spent 2 million years on just you. 2 million years on making, forming, planning your life and your being. now you may be thinking: "well, there's not much to me. there's no way He spent 2 million years on me. more like 2 seconds. ha!" well, there's more to you than you think. your emotions, your likes, your dislikes, your habits, your physical appearance, your mental ability, etc. i don't know if He really spent 2 million years on each person; He could have spent less than a second if He wanted too, but i believe He loves us that much to spend that much time on each one of us.
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Location: Urbana, Illinois, United States

i'm a Christian that is still learning to give God control and does not like to capitalize unless absolutely necessary.

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