Monday, August 21, 2006


wow, what a weekend.

friday night i hung with ex-roomie david. we watched a movie and played some halo. almost felt like old times until i had to go to bed and he had to go home.

saturday, i got up at 5:30 to drive down to chambana for the MCAT. it was going just fine, everything under control until the second writing section when: BREEEEE! BREEEEE! BREEEEE! yeah, the fire alarm went off. i stopped the time, collected all materials, and sent everyone outside. about ten minutes later, we were given the all-clear to go back in and some of the examinees started to take their seats when: BREEEEE! BREEEEE! BREEEEE! yeah, it went off again. we still had all materials so i sent them back outside. another five minutes and we went back in. i talked to a fireman and he told me it was a faulty circuit and it could possibly keep happening. bleh. finally got them all back in, handed out materials, and restarted the exam. the fire alarms didn't go off again, but two cell phones did in the last section. i clearly stated they had to be turned off, but some people don't listen. since i had them bring them to the front of the room, i couldn't tell whose they were. later that day, i went to mike, cameron, josh and kyle's castle. it's a very nice place! then we went over to shaker, played a few card games and then a rousing game of i've never (i didn't break any chairs).

sunday was a packed church at champaign with all the returning students, new students, new students' parents, and of course the locals. lucy and i helped set up for the picnic by moving tables to our area. later, a bunch of guys played some ultimate frisbee which ended up being a blowout. pff.

good times, good times.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

there and back again

so i'm finally back in bloomington/normal after being gone for four years. i moved in last saturday to the crossings. with the help of jay, mom, dad, neal, natalie, will, marcy, megan, traci and kaitlyn. i am much endebted to their help. i met my new roommates will, brad and durelle. swell guys, all around.

sunday was yet another successful ac wedding. and monday, i tied up loose ends back in champaign including carpet cleaning, cancelling cable, changing address at bank, coffee with red scott and supper with ray and katrina. tuesday, i was fortunate enough to be able to sleep in, then some shopping and that was it. today, you can read about here. it's my new work blog. i'll try to keep it up to date.

other than that, feel free to stop by and check out my new place: #117. it's kicking.

p.s. morgan, you're more intuitive than that. i'm sure you can figure out the counter.

Friday, August 04, 2006

nightmares and dreamscapes

well, that last post was great fun! thanks everyone for admitting to your own weird little quirks.

i had an interesting dream a couple nights ago that i'd like to share and it goes like this:

i was in a really big, fancy hotel. for awhile, i was just walking around the different floors. then i got down to the lobby area and it turns out that there was something going on in the big conference room with lots of people. i was walking towards it and i noticed that they had metal detectors by the doors to the outside, which made me think that there were celebrities present. this strange little guy comes up to me and he looks a little nervous. then he asks me if i would carry his gun past the metal detectors. this is weird because we're both already past the metal detectors and inside the hotel. we could easily just walk into the conference room. i gave him a rather emphatic "NO" and i instantly realize that he's going to shoot me because i said "no." i try to run, but he has already shot me once in the head. the next thing i know is that i'm face down on the carpet and i can't move. i feel that i'm dying so i close my eyes. i open them, but i'm not dead. i'm in a room with a few people that i know (i can't recall the names or faces) and someone saying that i was lucky to get shot in the head and still survive...

so that's pretty much it. i was shot in the head and i survived. the strange thing about this dream is that it wasn't a nightmare. it didn't scare me or wake me up in a cold sweat, even after i had been shot and thought i was dead. i can't interpret dreams or anything, but i feel like this means something.
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Location: Urbana, Illinois, United States

i'm a Christian that is still learning to give God control and does not like to capitalize unless absolutely necessary.

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