Friday, December 23, 2005

happy days....heeeeeeey!

whooooo! four days in colorado and now the midwest will never be the same! that was one of the best vacations ever. great powder up in those mountains with fresh snow for three days and the sun came out on the last run of the fourth day. typical day:

7:30am - get up
8:00am - breakfast
8:30am - get dressed
9:30am - arrive at copper mountain
10:00am - snowboarding!!
12:30pm - lunch
1:30pm - more snowboarding!!
4:00pm - head back to condo
4:30pm - shower
5:30pm - supper
6:30pm - games/tv/relax
11:00pm - bed

many good memories in there. especially the fence jump. i won't go into detail here, but ask me sometime in person and i'll tell you all about it. and the 180's! doing a 180 seemed to be the theme of the week. it's all warren, nate and travis tried to do. by the end of the third day, we had developed a run that we just kept repeating and it went something like this:

1. take the american flyer lift up
2. down a really steep and powdery slope
3. take the sierra lift to the top
4. jump the fence and fly through a small powdery bowl
5. great powder and sweet kickers through the far west run
6. merge onto a green with nice kickers and tree glade excursions
7. take the timberline lift back up
8. traverse over a little ways
9. go through the witch's cove tree glade
10. down to the terrain park
11. hit the incline box and high box
12. go fast down a green while practicing switch
13. back at american flyer lift

each run took about 1.5 hours. so it's basically this: american flyer, steep, sierra, fence jump, powder, kickers, switch, timberline, traverse, tree glades, terrain park, switch, speed. we did a lot of other stuff the first three days too. warren, nate and i found some sweet glade runs. and some not so sweet glade runs. we got separated from the other three at the top and ended up in a major glade run with powder past the knees. you had to keep moving or else sink. getting stuck in powder is not very fun; it takes a lot of strength to get out of it. powder is great until you get stuck in it.

anyhoo, it was a sweet vacation, a perfect ending to my college career. oh yes, i am now a college graduate. very exciting. i talked to motorola a couple weeks ago and apparently, i don't have a definite interview. my resume is before the hiring board and they decide whether i get an interview or not. i'll call again next week to check for any news. otherwise, i'll still be working at the testing center (with major pay and hour increase).

that is the summary of my first december vacation. details on the second to come afterwards. i still don't know what the plan is. should be fun though!

have a merry Christmas everyone! and a happy new year!

12/26/05 edit: jaclyn went too and there was much rejoicing!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Bad Days :0(

Thursday~ Worked on my project all day. We didnt' make much progress for 8 1/2 hours. I took a break at 8:00 p.m. to watch the illini game. I had arranged to meet over at apt. 5 to watch the game so i ran all the way from lab to their place only to realize that they had switched it to my place, so then i ran about 2 blocks back to my place. Needless to say i was not a happy camper.

Friday~ I had my demo for my project. It failed.

Saturday~ I worked. then later on i went out to Erin's house where we had a Chirstmas party. There were 10 people involved...Me, Travis, Dave, Martin and Stephen and then Erin, Jaclyn Trisha, Alyssa and Meg. It was a good time. Not such a bad day after all :0)

Sunday~ Church, Christmas Caroling, Chili Supper, work Christmas party, watched Dukes of Hazzard with Erin, not really though because she fell aslseep. then i studied all night for my final monday.

Monday~ Took an 8:00 am final, then worked a final, relaxed and then watched the Longest Yard while trying to study.

Tuesday~ Got up early to work on the report for the demo that failed. I didn't get the report until later that night and by that time it was late. :0(

Wednesday~ Slept in all day, fixed Erin's computer from about 4-6:30 and then 9-10. And right now i am sleeping while someone else is writing this post!

Have a good break!
Scottie Poo

Monday, December 05, 2005

it's about time

yes, it's about time for a new post. i finally updated the blog links on the left-hand side with a couple new ones and a correction. there's really not much new to say except that i've been pretty busy with projects and the social world of the u of i young group.

school projects: i'm down to about 1.0 projects left. that's right. 1.0. that's about 0.1 of one project (almost done!) and about 0.9 of the other one. i tried to get the first one done and out of the way this weekend, but i'm still having problems figuring it out. it'll come together eventually. the other one has a long way to go yet. it's more like 0.5 left because we already did the design document and presentation so all we have is the demo and final paper. but i'm going to leave it at 1.0 because the design document and presentation don't count much towards the project. i also have three exams left (or maybe two) during finals week.

side projects: burning dvd's for caroline to give her sister for christmas. it's a lot more complicated than i originally thought. so don't ask me to do any of them for you until at least after the new year. other side project: filling my desk with mountain dew cans. i've got eleven so far. (all empty of course) i've got another 48 sitting beside my desk just waiting to be drunk.

just gone by: saturday snowboarding and sunday supper and games at jeanne's. what a great weekend. the "snow" was filled with ice chunks. the only good snow was on the rail and jump run. perfect. i hit the funbox with a backside boardslide and still managed to land it once despite the horrible landing. i also managed to hit a longer rail with a 50-50 going pretty fast and still landed it despite not being able to see exactly how far down the snow was. it started snowing around1:00 so it was a sweet hour of boarding with fresh powder. then i noticed it was coming down a little too much so i figured we'd better leave before we got stuck there. and then i began my five hour drive home! it's worse with the first few snowfalls of the season because everyone forgets how to drive in snow and so they panic and drive really slow. supper and games at jeanne's was great. really good lasagna and fun games including intense dutch blitz with an amazing lack of marrying; travis winning egyptian rat screw and no one else being surprised; and ending with two wild games of spoons! i've never played with rules before and i'll never play without them again.

coming up: christmas shopping and vacations. i've got one christmas this saturday and another on the 24th. i really need to get the first gift soon, but the other one can wait. i'm not too worried about it selling out. i could probably pick it up on the 24th with no problem. vacations include snowboarding in colorado for four wonderful days in a free condo on keystone (though we'll be boarding at copper). i really don't know where any resorts are in colorado. i should probably look that up soon. vacae #2 is sunny and warm phoenix! looking forward to seeing morgan, sam, andy, and natalie again!

well, that's pretty much it and i know this is long, but it's easier to do it this way rather than tons of short posts.
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Location: Urbana, Illinois, United States

i'm a Christian that is still learning to give God control and does not like to capitalize unless absolutely necessary.

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