Wednesday, January 18, 2006


the results are in: normal. my heart is normal. i'm not surprised, but i am relieved. i certainly don't feel normal. although my head does feel better after five straight days of withdrawal headaches. that's pretty much all i have today.

oh yeah, i went snowboarding on monday in 40-degree slush and i learned a new trick: 180-to-switch-50-50 on a box. i would have kept practicing it, but it was getting warmer and the rails were getting sticky so i just practiced 180's on slush jumps the rest of the day.

and last night erin got this new game that had something to do with napoleon dynamite and his liger. it's kind of like pictionary, but you have to take two animal cards and draw one animal with the characteristics of both animals before time runs out. i thought it was pretty fun even though my team lost. of course it was just me and logan versus erin, alyssa and travis. when the numbers are that small, they can make a difference. but i don't mind losing. i thought it was more fun than pictionary.

anyhoo, turns out caffeine is giving me heart palpitations. i haven't had any caffeine drinks since last tuesday. i'm doing pretty well. thanks for all your prayers.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

tests of the heart

so in a couple of hours i'll be in a hospital, but i'm just getting some tests done. i'm getting a tsh and an echo. i don't really know what they check for or how they're done. my doctor thinks that it's caffeine giving me heart palpitations, but he wants to make sure so he's having me do these tests. again, i'm quite nervous, but it'll probably end up being caffeine.

Friday, January 06, 2006

i want a second opinion

yeah, i slept before the flight. a little less than two hours and i still got up in time. i made it back safely. had a fun lunch on thursday and watched a great illinois basketball game thursday night!

today. today started ok. got up earlier than i prefer. waited for an hour at the doctor's office. and then he gives me the worst news ever. my heart "is probably normal" but my heart palpitations are the result of: (silence, please).....

caffeine. yeah. my liquid diet is killing me. i trusted it to keep me awake through long nights and what does it do? it stabs me in the back...of the heart. apparently i've been experiencing caffeine highs. he wants me to go cold turkey. i say no way. i'll have to wean myself, but i don't think i'll ever be able to give it up. the day has not been going well after that, but it's getting better.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

but i don't want to sleep

i'm only awake right now because i'm afraid i'll sleep through my alarm and miss my plane. bad stuff heppens if you miss your plane, or so i've been told by the gremlins. i am at sam's still in phoenix (glendale really) and our plane leaves in five hours. we're trying to get bumped so we can get cheap/discount tickets for nathan and natalie's wedding in april. that would be sweet.

i had a great time in arizona but i'll talk about that later. i'm not going back to my apartment until friday because i have a doctor's appointment on friday morning at 9:15. it's about my heart. i've been having these "attacks" for the past five or so years. about one every six to eight weeks. my mom found out while i was having one on the 25th of december so she decided i needed to see the doctor. it only lasts about 5 minutes and it consists of: my heart beats weirdly (harder not faster); i feel really hot; i feel weak; and my hands shake. i'm not too worried because i've had them for many years and i don't feel any different. yet i'm still a little anxious to find out what it is. i could use the prayers too if you feel so inclined.

anyhoo, have a great rest of break to all. i'm not really on break but i kind of am since my office is under reconstruction. but no more school! maybe i should have a graduation party so we can all have cake and you all can give me cards.
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Location: Urbana, Illinois, United States

i'm a Christian that is still learning to give God control and does not like to capitalize unless absolutely necessary.

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