work and stuff
the weekend has already been recapped here. read the second post titled: Our Weekend! a little over a week ago, abbie offered to give me 30 hours per week at a rate over $10/hour (to be decided later). i don't really have much time to be job hunting right now, so this would help me out greatly. there have been a lot of changes around here and after the construction in december/january plus don's taking a two month sabbatical so they really need my help for awhile. i don't think that was a real sentence, but oh well. sue is back today and she's in great spirits. she thanked me for the prayers and i thank you all for the prayers. prayer really is an amazing gift that God gave us to use. i've got nothing else to do tonight so i may start studying for my two tests this week. bleh. oh well, it has to be done. i think there's a review session tonight for wednesday's test, so i may go to that. it'd be like my second review session ever. i'm pretty sure i've gone to one sometime, somewhere. or i could start reading to catch up for thursday's test. yeah, that'll probably be the one. i'll probably just go to erc and read. ok, i need to get back to work now. for these last ten minutes or so. heh.
sue again
sad day in the testing center. abbie pulled me aside right away and told me that sue was in a very fragile state and that she would be taking some time off. she told me later that she'd be taking the rest of the week off for sure and that she wasn't sure if she was going to come back. i didn't ask what the problem was because it's not in my nature to pry like that. the only thing she asked for was prayers. i told her that i would. she really needs prayers right now so if you guys could pray for her too, that'd be awesome. thanks.
college weekend audio
so i'm finally posting a new post after college weekend. it sounds like it was a fantastic weekend. great turnout and great topics. unfortunately, i was in the copying room all day with aaron but people still managed to stop by and say hi. thanks. it was great to see all the phoenix people again and i will see them all very soon in december! anyhoo, the main part of this post is the college weekend audio. it's hosted on my new website (which isn't up yet; details to come soon). they are in *.mp3 format at 320kbps bitrate quality. they're rather sizeable, but better quality. to download, just click on the title and your browser should prompt you to save it or open it. if it doesn't ask you, right click on the file and click on "save target as..." please save it. i prefer that you don't stream it off my website for now. i know bluffton yg has the first one up, but here are all of them and you're getting the originals! luke, maybe you could make a casual note of it on your blog since many more people check yours than mine. one last thing: please don't ask me to burn you a copy unless you're prepared to mail me the cds and $4 for shipping it back to you. i apologize for those who wanted cds later and didn't get them. i planned on 80 sets and 70 people signed up but then i also had to burn sets for the ministers so i had none left over. enjoi!
wow, i am just slammed with stuff to do. college weekend mixed with homework and projects and assignments and essays. i am really excited about college weekend. i hope that a lot of people are coming because it is going to be a great weekend! so tell all your friends to pack their bags and come. the topic is relationships with anyone and everyone. i will be swamped during the day and stuck in a closet most of the time. feel free to stop by and say "'ello guv'ner" or something. i'll do my best to reply, but i make no guarantees. anyhoo, i hope all your weeks are going well. oh yes, answers to the family game. only two answers so megan gets the award for fastest answer and i would give natalie the award for closest answer but she kind of cheated. she did, however, get almost everything correct (except she forgot ages of the eldest three). craig is actually a computer programmer not an engineer. my major is actually electrical engineering and not computer engineering. craig is 35, chad is 34, jay is 32. everything else she wrote is correct. maybe i'll give her a 1/2 award since she did have the most correct answers despite having to ask neal. anyhoo, have a great rest of the week and i hope to see you all at college weekend!
These are some photos of my four nephews and one niece. there's another baby on the way in december, but we'll discuss that later. This first one is of all of them stuffed into a miniature skid loader at Indianapolis Children's Museum.

This next one is Derek at his birthday party. He is eleven years old and is the son of Chad and Janice. 
This one is Derek and Emily and Korey (in the high chair) and me. Emily is the second oldest at eight years old. She'll be nine in november and she is the daughter of Craig and Mary Ann. This is Logan and Lucas on a train to St. Louis with my parents. Logan will be eight in November and is the son of Chad and Janice. Lucas just turned seven in august and is the son of Craig and Mary Ann.
This last one is the cutest of them all. This is Korey. He turns three tomorrow and he is the son of Chad and Janice. I dare you to have a cuter nephew.
I will give an award to the first person who can name all my brothers in order. Special prizes will also be awarded to those who can name ages, spouses, children, and careers. Good luck!
i have the dual sidebar kind of working. apparently, in some browsers, the right sidebar was way below the blog post area. i think i fixed it. it should be up where it belongs now. if it's not, please let me know. also include your screen resolution and any other factors you think might be influencing the appearance.
first business: actually, the correct answer is (a). the law school admission council approves use of excessive force to make an example of the others. fortunately, they were all good on saturday so i didn't have to do that. ok, that was a joke. i would actually use a combination. i would pretend to ignore him for awhile. if he sees me moving right away and he's guilty then he'll know i saw his kleenex and he'll quickly hide it. then i would walk around the room so that i came up behind him and check to see if anything is on the kleenex. if there is, then i'd report to the administrator. if there isn't, then i'd stare him down for awhile for lack of anything else to do. since i didn't say you could pick combinations, the true correct answer would be (e). since all of you chose it, you can all pat yourselves on the back. since erin chose it first AND she was the fastest answer, she gets both awards. kristi gets the best explanation award because it really is fun to just stare people down when they're taking a test. and it helps discourage them from looking around and cheating. congrats all around. last business: i've been working on a "calendar" on the side of my blog. the sidebar is starting to get pretty lengthy, i know. i have those items in a very specific order. i wish i could do two sidebars, so i'll work on that. it may take some time. anyhoo, the calendar (daily schedule) shows what i'm planning on doing that day. pretty pointless, but i'm having fun making it.