i am working every saturday for the next five weeks except for college weekend. last saturday was the ACT. ugh, high schools kids are so defiant. they're like: "catch me, i dare you." graduate school admission tests are more serious. college kids know what is at stake and they make sure to stear clear of anything that could be considered suspicious. still, tomorrow's LSAT is only my third time as a real administrator (i don't count the two times i only had one student) and i'm still working out all the kinks as administrator. the first two times, i got one experienced proctor. this time i get two proctors and i don't know who they'll be yet. i hope they're good. my first read administration was the MCAT (long test!!) and don (my proctor) said i was the most professional administrator he had ever worked for. i took it as a compliment. i hope i can keep that up. last saturday's ACT was a little sloppy (lights and temperature) but i think tomorrow will be better. anyhoo, new question: you're a proctor at the LSAT. you see a 180lb white male reach under his seat and pull out something white that appears to be a kleenex. he proceeds to blow his nose on it and put it on the desk of the seat next to his. do you: (a) run over to him, pull him out of his seat, drag him out of the room and yell at him for not using one of the provided kleenex's at the front of the room. (b) ignore him. it's probably just a harmless kleenex. (c) stare at him for the remainder of the test and make sure he doesn't look at it as if there were notes on it. (d) tell the administrator that he's cheating off of notes on his kleenex. (e) walk non-chalantly past his seat to see if you can see any notes on his kleenex. [also explain why you chose your answer] disclaimer: no prizes will ever be given for first correct answer or fastest answer or most creative answer for any of my questions. i am poor and cannot afford monetary awards or nice trophies. all you get is the satisfaction of winning an award. good luck!
ok, now i want to know who's ever read anything here. curiousity kills, but i'm doing it anyway. anonymity is enable, but extremely pointless so don't do it. i won't ask for birthdays, or any favorites. i don't remember birthdays and i'm honestly not interested in trivial favorites. although i would like to know the answer to this question: if you were designing a CIS on a FPGA board for reading through a PCMCIA bus on an IPAQ, would you store it in attribute memory or common memory and why?
ohmigosh, like, taylor was sooo much fun! i had a great time hanging out with all you guys! and meeting all you new people! and...........turns out, i was the only ac that didn't go to taylor this past weekend. but i still had a decent time. and (believe it or not) my high school reunion was the highlight of my weekend. administering the act was ok what with the random lights turning off and the thermostat set to arctic ice freeze. and the traffic after the football game being so unbelievably crazy that i almost hit two stupid drivers. and the sermons on sunday were good. but, yeah, i'd have to say the reunion was the highlight. pork chops, mountain dew, seeing people i hadn't seen since high school, talking about people from high school, watching a video our 3rd grade teacher made of us, laughing at ourselves and how ridiculous we looked, catching up with people i hadn't seen since high school. yeah, i'll never have another chance at going to my five year high school reunion. i'm really glad i did. hopefully more will show up to the ten year reunion. and now i'm back to the grind of school, school, and more school. i just now got home from being at the lab and i've got more to do tomorrow. gotta get this done, gotta get this done, gotta get this...have a great Jesus week!
prayer request
i was talking with sue today (she's one of my sub-bosses at work and she's about the age of my mom [60]) about churches. she said she's been looking for a church for awhile so i talked to her about the apostolic christian curch and she seemed really interested. she said she'd been going to vineyard with her kids and grandkids, but she wasn't a fan of the playing guitars in chuch. she'd like to go to a church where they really sing. i gave her the address and directions to the champaign church, the name of our champaign elder (wayne), and starting times for each service. she said she'd like to come sometime so i hope she will. please pray for her as she searches and for me that i may be a light to her. thanks.
posts and stuff
so i just realized the futility of posting anything that luke knapp has already posted. everyone who's anyone in the blogging world reads his blog and has links to his blog. amazing. he truly deserves the blogging t-shirt. i think he deserves a round of applause for all the people he has helped into the blogging world.
so i ran across this software for broadcasting a webcam over the internet. i was thinking "i've got a webcam and i'm not using it, so i should try this out!" so here goes. it's pretty bad quality but it's like a visual away/online. so you can see if i'm really here or not. enjoy.
career fair
i have a career fair this week. i am going to be talking to companies like intel, microsoft, and motorola. this could decide my future. i am very nervous about talking to these people so please pray for me this week. i could really use the prayers.
this is for kristi
since i forgot to mention that i ate potato soup with kristi on thursday night, this post is for her. let it be known from this day forth that i ate potato soup with kristi on thursday night last the date being the first day of the ninth month in the year of our Lord two-thousand and five, and it was good.
phoenix (or thereabouts)
so i'm sitting here in chandler, arizona. and in the past three days i've been all over the valley. mesa to laveen to chandler to east side of mesa to more chandler to phoenix to tempe to opportunity to chandler. morgan is house and pet sitting for his cousin who got married yesterday in hawaii. odd, because my cousin got married yesterday too, but in mesa. i'll take you through everything that has happened so far. thursday: went to isu bible study and stopped by at natalie's for supper beforehand. ashley made a really good soup. hung out at isu for the viaduct singing and then stopped by andy and amber's on the way home. got the "royal" tour of their new house. it's a pretty nice place. then since we were scheduled to leave gridley at 2am, neal and i decided to not sleep. friday: 2:15am - neal somehow got coerced into driving all the way up to midway airport. jay forgot the tickets and we had to turn around and go back to get them (but that was only about six miles from home). i stayed awake all the way up and talked to jay and neal and chad although jay and chad fell asleep halfway there. i had two cans of mountain dew about ten minutes before we got to midway. we got there plenty early and our plane left around 6:20am. the first half of the flight to denver was pretty uneventful. they had personal tv's on the back of each seat but it cost $5 to watch the good channels. so i just listened to music on my cd player and read the colorado rockies magazine (all about the baseball team). ordered a cup of coffee on this flight. had to change planes for the second half and drank my third can of mountain dew. the second pilot wasn't as smooth as the first, but then he had an older plane to work with. after landing, i had a tall caramel macchiato at starbucks. i was wired. finally in phoenix, we ate lunch at a food court in arizona mills and then walked around the mall for a couple hours. went to chad & michelle's place in mesa and took a two-hour nap (michelle = first cousin). "rehearsal" dinner was at eric & christine's place in laveen (christine = first cousin). got to hang out and catch up with a lot of cousins and a few other people. finally contacted morgan and got directions to his cousin's place (hereafter referred to as morgan's place) and went there for the night. saturday: 10:30am - finally made it to salt river after a 20 minute detour courtesy of morgan who thought he knew where it was. we (morgan, neal, jay, josh johnson, caleb heinold, and i) tubed the salt river. we were on it for about 4 hours and most of us got burned. even the native arizonian morgan. but the water was great and we had a great time. back to morgan's place and got ready for the wedding. it was an outdoor wedding for jeremy & rachel (rachel = first cousin) at a really nice place. i cannot begin to describe the place to you, but it was a beautiful place and a beautiful wedding. afterwards, we went back to morgan's place and crashed. sunday: church in the morning and then jeremy's mother took us all out to eat at some vegetarian place. all they had was salad and soup and a little pasta (the pasta contained the only meat in the entire place). afterwards, we went to rachel's and watched the new couple open their gifts. oh yeah, i should mention that jeremy & rachel are going to spain and italy for their honeymoon. i'm a little jealous. i wish i could do that for my honeymoon, but there's no way. unless i waited until i'm at least 30 like they both did (i think). back to morgan's to hang out for a little bit and then we met my other first cousin rachel (on the other side of the family) for supper at claim jumper. they serve huge portions. it was really good. and now, i'm sitting here doing this while morgan, neal, jay, and sam sit downstairs watching tv. our flight leaves tomorrow at 8:something and we should arrive back in central illinois around 3 or 4. now you know.