i'll never get out to...l.a.???
so it's the weekend. it's almost 4pm and i'm still at work. oh well, i get off soon. tonight is the u of i invite. if you are sitting at home reading this right now (and it's not past sunday), then get off your rear and come visit us. you are officially invited. my two bros are coming down to visit (the only single ones left) so it should be an awesome time.
ok, so i got this lead on a job. it's kind of more of an internship (paid). plus a training camp. 3 months in sunny irvine, cali for the camp and then a 1 year internship at some major metropolis of my choice (chi-town then phyx). at the end i'll be a senior level LAN/WAN engineer making pretty good money (it IS senior level). so i'm going to apply for that, so if you could all pray for me with that, i'd appreciate it. thanks.
last guy's done. i gotta go.
ok, so i got this lead on a job. it's kind of more of an internship (paid). plus a training camp. 3 months in sunny irvine, cali for the camp and then a 1 year internship at some major metropolis of my choice (chi-town then phyx). at the end i'll be a senior level LAN/WAN engineer making pretty good money (it IS senior level). so i'm going to apply for that, so if you could all pray for me with that, i'd appreciate it. thanks.
last guy's done. i gotta go.